Why I Chose FreemiumKit Over RevenueCat for My Diabetes Management App

Struggling with in-app subscription integration? Discover how FreemiumKit transformed my development process, helping me overcome challenges with RevenueCat and fast-tracking my app's launch.

Why I Chose FreemiumKit Over RevenueCat for My Diabetes Management App
Photo by Mykenzie Johnson / Unsplash

The Journey So Far

I've been working on a Diabetes management app, which I’ve named Glu Sight, for about a year and half now. As the launch date approached, I found myself needing to cut down on features, tie up the loose ends, and finally prepare for release. Not everything has to be ready from Day One, I reminded myself. Some features can wait, but launching with a solid foundation was essential. This is where my decision-making process about handling in-app subscriptions and purchases came in.

RevenueCat: A Tough Start

As I approached the point of integrating in-app purchases, I started hearing tons of great things about RevenueCat. It seemed like the go-to solution for app developers, especially with its powerful features and reputation in the community. So, naturally, I considered using RevenueCat or the StoreKit 2 API directly. I reached out to others who had used RevenueCat, seeking tips on getting started.

However, what I soon discovered was that the initial setup process for RevenueCat was a lot more challenging than I expected. The procedures were complex, and to make matters worse, the documentation was lacking in areas where I needed guidance the most. Setting up the basics took time and felt like a struggle, especially when I was already under pressure to get my app ready for launch. Though I did manage to get through the setup, it wasn’t the most pleasant experience.

Discovering FreemiumKit: A Breath of Fresh Air

Then I stumbled upon FreemiumKit. After reading some positive reviews, I decided to give it a try. From the get-go, I noticed a stark difference. The setup with FreemiumKit was unbelievably simple. I was able to integrate it into my app much faster than any other solution I had tried. The SDK integration documentation was crystal clear—one read and I was good to go. It felt like everything just clicked.

FreemiumKit didn’t just make the setup process easy; it also came packed with smart automation and defaults that worked flawlessly out of the box with App Store Connect. And yet, it still provided the flexibility to tailor things to my specific needs. The pricing was also spot on, especially for an app developer like me who’s just starting out. The support from the developers? Stellar. I had a call with the developer, which turned out to be an amazing experience. He walked me through the process, and within 45 minutes, I had clarity on aspects of in-app purchases that even Apple’s documentation didn’t cover in detail.

The Impact on My Development Process

Switching to FreemiumKit had an incredible impact on my development process. I was able to clean up a significant amount of code, removing extra classes and unnecessary complexity that RevenueCat required. This cleanup wasn’t just about aesthetics—it made my app more efficient and easier to manage. All the RevenueCat stuff was gone, replaced with FreemiumKit, and I was loving it.

Built-in SDK components like PaidFeatureView and PaidStatusView were incredibly customizable, allowing me to focus on the user experience without worrying about the technical nitty-gritty. Instead of having to write an entire ViewModel for handling in-app purchases, I could use a one-liner from FreemiumKit. This freed me to concentrate on what mattered most: building a great app.

Moreover, FreemiumKit made the daunting aspects of StoreKit2 feel manageable. By playing around with FreemiumKit, I gained a better understanding of StoreKit2, which was a huge value add. It turned what seemed like an overwhelming task into something enjoyable and highly educational.

A Clear Path to Launch

Looking back, the major reason I hadn’t launched my app earlier was the overwhelming work required to integrate RevenueCat. I had started building the paywall and coding everything, but the complexity wore me down. I ended up procrastinating because it felt like too much work to revisit that part of the app.

FreemiumKit changed all of that. It allowed me to both focus on developing new features and integrate subscription management without anxiety. I even managed to make changes on App Store Connect to my trial periods, and FreemiumKit picked it all up seamlessly. The anxiety and “developer block” were gone, and I was back to feeling excited about hitting my launch day.

Final Thoughts

FreemiumKit has been a game-changer for me. Not only did it simplify my development process, but it also reinvigorated my passion for launching Glu Sight. The setup was smooth, the documentation was top-notch, and the support from the developers was incredible. For anyone facing similar challenges with in-app purchase management, I can’t recommend FreemiumKit enough. It’s helped me move past the obstacles that RevenueCat presented and focus on delivering a product I’m proud of.

As I inch closer to launching in September 2024, I’m excited and ready, thanks to FreemiumKit. I’ve made new friends along the way, learned a ton, and most importantly, I’m finally on the path to helping others manage their diabetes with ease.

Stay tuned for the launch!

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