Swift Evolution Monthly Swift Evolution Monthly: December '23 Our biggest wish came true: Explaining Typed Throws in Swift. Also: Improved namespacing and reduced dependency creep. And 14 more proposals linked!
Swift Evolution Monthly Swift Evolution Monthly: May '23 "package" Modifier, Noncopyable structs/enums, Custom Actor Executors, Freestanding Declaration Macros, more Packs.
Swift Evolution Monthly Swift Evolution Monthly: March + April '23 1-Year Anniversary: Summaries on GitHub! AsyncStream, Attached Macros (in SwiftPM), Package Publish, Parameter Packs, Feature Flags & Foundation Preview.
Developer Blog Preparing My App for Swift 6 How to enable Swift 6 mode for your Xcode projects and for your SwiftPM modules today. And what the migration experience is like.
Developer Blog 2,000 Imports: Organizing my Apps' SwiftPM modules How to organize your apps Swift modules for clarity & convenience using a hidden (unofficial) Swift feature. A practical solution for small to medium-sized apps.
Swift Evolution Monthly Swift Evolution Monthly: December '22 Registry auth, Opt-In Reflection, if-switch Expressions, Vision documents, DiscardingTaskGroups, and Foundation rewrite.
Developer Blog SwiftPM + CoreData: Failing SwiftUI Previews? Here Are 5 Tips to Fix Fixing Xcode bugs that make SwiftUI previews fail in apps modularized with SwiftPM and that are using CoreData.
Developer Blog Hiding Secrets From Git in SwiftPM A step-by-step guide on how to prevent your 3rd party service secrets from committing to Git when using apps modularized with SwiftPM.